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Telemedicine Consent Statement & Terms and Conditions

One-to-one Telemedicine Nutrition Consultation Consent Statement

Information about Telemedicine Consultations:  

Telemedicine is the use of video call or video conferencing software in order to carry out dietetic consultations remotely. This differs from face-to-face consultation as we will not be in the same room as each other during the consultation. Some parts of the consultation involving physical examinations (i.e. body weight) may be conducted at your location, and we can discuss these measurements during the consultation. The main benefits of telemedicine consultations are increased flexibility for both parties in terms of the timing and location of consultations. The main risks related to telemedicine consultations include technical difficulties, interruptions, unauthorised access or communication difficulties. I will ensure that your privacy is protected by ensuring nobody else can hear the consultation and using secure and encrypted software. If an issue arises with technology which we cannot fix during the consultation, we can revert to a phone consultation or rearrange the consultation if needed.  

Consenting to Dietetic Treatment:  

By booking an online dietetic consultation with Theresa Cole, Registered Dietitian, you are consenting to the following:  

1.   I consent to this telemedicine appointment for dietetic treatment and any further telemedicine appointments that you book with Theresa Cole, Registered Dietitian.  

2.   I understand what telehealth consultations involve (based on the above information) including the benefits and risks of this approach.  

3.   I understand that Theresa Cole can discontinue the telemedicine consultation if it is felt that the video-conferencing connections are not adequate for the situation.  

4.   I understand that by accessing clinical services from Theresa Cole, my data will be stored securely for 8 years in accordance with the HCPC Standards for Records and Record-Keeping.  

5.   I give consent for Theresa Cole to contact me via email, WhatsApp text or phone call regarding my treatment.  

6.   I consent for Theresa Cole to send me resources and information via email or WhatsApp, including voice recordings in relation to my dietetic treatment.  

7.   I consent to receive appointment reminders via email, WhatsApp or SMS.  

8.   I consent for Theresa Cole to contact my GP where deemed appropriate as part of your dietetic treatment. Theresa may also need to communicate with other health care professionals in order to improve my care or share treatment information if indicated. Express consent will be obtained before any such discussion with health care professionals.  

9.   I have agreed of my own free will to participate in 1-2-1 nutrition sessions, taught by Theresa Cole, who is a registered dietitian. 10. I consent to have other health care professionals sit in with me in consultations. This may either be associate nutritionists, nutritionists, student dietitians or registered dietitians who will be part of consultations or the WhatsApp group.  

11. I understand that no guarantee is given or implied with regard to the effectiveness of the practice for any medical or health-related conditions that I have.  

12. I understand that any resources distributed or provided by email or on any website are provided freely and at the discretion of the dietitian.  

13.  I have declared any relevant conditions that I have. Where requested to do so, I have informed my GP or other medical practitioner that I will be attending private dietetic consultations.  

14. I understand that the sessions are confidential and that information I disclose will not generally be disclosed to others. However, I understand that there may be times that the Dietitian may need to disclose information to others to protect my health and welfare or the health and welfare of others. Where this is necessary, the dietitian will discuss this with me.  

15. I understand that appointment or consultations once booked are only cancellable or refundable at the discretion of Theresa Cole, Registered Dietitian. If I wish to cancel an agreed appointment or consultation or fail to attend then I will not be entitled to any refund or credit of the charge paid for the appointment or consultation.  

16. If I am unable to attend any session or wish to withdraw from the session, I will endeavour to give 48 hours’ notice.  

17. I agree to pay the full amount of the programme even if the programme isn’t completed by my own choice.  

18. I agree that some sessions or part of sessions may be audio or video recorded and that such recordings will be shared with me.   19. I understand that the dietitian may withdraw the session at any time and will give as much notice of any withdrawal as possible. Where this occurs, a full refund for any unused part or unused sessions will be given.  

20. I consent to have correspondence, including letters, emailed to my GP and other relevant health care professionals.  

21. I have read and agree to the above statements- you will be asked to confirm this during the consultation, your verbal consent will be obtained & recorded on your dietetic record. This statement is available to be emailed to you, upon your request.

Endorsements of products and services

In delivery of the nutrition & dietetic service, certain food or products might be recommended to support clinical advice. This does not suggest superiority of certain foods over others or guarantee of remedy or cure.

From time to time, during the course of one-to-one service delivery, food related product brand names might be suggested to simplify meal planning or advice about food choices. This does not represent an endorsement of the brand and Theresa Cole Nutrition does not receive any monetary incentive for recommending a particular food or brand.

E-mail newsletters, blogs and social media posts might utilise certain foods or brands in meal plans, educational content or recipes. General educational content does not represent direct personal clinical advice or a suggestion of superiority over other brands and does not represent an endorsement.

Signposting to other services

During the course of service delivery and to support direct client clinical needs, Theresa Cole Nutrition, might refer you, with your consent, to other registered healthcare professionals or signpost you to other support services or charities as required. Theresa Cole Nutrition does not take responsibility for the processes or quality of services provided by these third parties.


Mobile: +44 7817 212627

Theresa Cole RD Health & Care Professions Council Registration Number: DT08627

Copyright© Theresa Cole Nutrition 2024