Oncology Nutrition Services

Evidence-based nutrition for cancer warriors living with and beyond cancer.

Free resource

Nutrient-dense ingredient switch workbook

Download this workbook to follow 5-steps to eating better, increasing protein and energy in your diet and building up your strength following cancer treatment.

My 1:1 signature programme: Encourage

My 12-week programme for cancer warriors


My 1:1 programme will help you to regain your energy and control over your nutritional health and wellbeing in 12 weeks.

It is designed to give you step by step evidence based advice and support on your journey to living and thriving beyond cancer treatment so that you can get back to doing the things you love.

My 12-week 1:1 programme is for people who are at any stage of treatment, struggling with various cancer nutritional impact symptoms as described below:

Nutritional Prehabilitation (Prehab)

Do you need nutrition advice to get you ready for surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

Are you starting treatment and would like guidance each step of the way to keep you strong, increase your confidence around food choices and managing side effects of treatment.

During treatment

Have you lost weight and are you struggling with anxiety around food, unsure what to eat and how to stay well, alongside coping with the impact of cancer symptoms or its treatment?

Are you avoiding certain foods because of what you read or what others have told you, but you need more reliable information, tailored to your health and wellbeing situation?

Do you have other medical conditions and are not sure how to manage that from a nutritional point of view, alongside cancer symptoms or treatment?

Rehabilitation & Recovery

Have you recently completed cancer treatment and need help with recovery, getting your strength back and establishing a new normal around food?

Do you feel weak, lack energy and have a low appetite and some residual symptoms and not sure what to eat and feel stuck.

You are an athlete recovering from cancer treatment and can't wait to get back to your sport but need help & uniquely tailored advice from someone who understands both oncology treatments and its effects and sports nutrition.


You have done it, you got through treatment and you are a few weeks, months or even years down the line, but you have lasting side effects of surgery or treatment and need help and support to manage these and feel in control of your health once again?

Are you looking ahead and need advice on optimising your diet for health and secondary prevention (preventing a second cancer or the cancer returning).


My 1:1 programme will coach you and support you by meeting you where you are now, work with you to support your goals for your nutrition & health, help you to improve your nutrition whilst taking your symptoms and medical condition into account, provide you with support, action plans, education and encouragement, so that you feel empowered to step into your future, feeling more energised and in control.

Please contact me for details.

Oncology Nutrition Consultation service

Basic Support £85 per consultation

A one-off session up to 1 hour, which includes a nutritional assessment questionnaire that needs to be completed upfront.

Feedback will be provided about the assessment with some recommendations for making adjustments to help you in the short term.

A written email report will be provided.  

This is ideal for people who just want to check if they are on the right track.

Note this session can only cover how things are for you currently and advise about the current situation, but we would not have time to future changes or requirements.

Each stage of the cancer journey can bring different challenges and requirements.  

A one off follow-up can be offered, if requested. This also includes a follow-up report and can support you with a specific short-term goal.

Side-by-side Package £375

3 sessions booked upfront, and follows a health coaching approach to consultations to support you to achieve your specific goals at any stage, for prehab, during treatment, recovery and rehab, or for dealing with long term impacts.

An initial assessment appointment (as above) plus 2 x follow-ups, each about 2 weeks apart.

Includes practical support and nutrition education tailored to you and specific to a particular stage of your journey, depending on what you are experiencing and what you need.

Evidence based resources: information, education, support with symptom management, Whatsapp support between the 1st session and the last session (this can take about 6 weeks).

Clear guidance and action steps to support you to achieve your goals.

A meal plan can be developed on request.

A note on meal plans...

Tailored and individualised meal plans, if requested, are charged separately in view of the time it takes to ensure it is personal to you and your circumstances, and can vary depending on the meal plan requested.

For example, a typical 7-day meal plan with recipes and a shopping list will be charged at £200. If any periodisation of macronutrient requirements is needed, for example, in a sports training programme, this will be quoted for separately.

Note: Meal plans are not provided without education upfront. This is to support sustainable change for you.   Therefore, you would need to book an additional follow-up appointment for us to discuss your meal plan.

I highly value your feedback on a meal plan and I am here to support you to achieve the outcome you desire. Meal plans can be adjusted at no charge for minor adjustments e.g. recipe or meal change, if you are not entirely satisfied.

Free resource

Nutrient-dense ingredient switch workbook

Download this workbook to follow 5-steps to eating better, increasing protein and energy in your diet and building up your strength following cancer treatment.



Mobile: +44 7817 212627

Theresa Cole RD Health & Care Professions Council Registration Number: DT08627

Copyright© Theresa Cole Nutrition 2024